©2019 CAE 905K560252 v1.0
The vacuum moves the red-colored fluid into the manikin and primes all ports at the same
Before beginning the simulation, perform a venipuncture using a 24-gauge catheter
and confirm flashback to verify that the system has been prepared. If bloodwork is to be
drawn prior to infusion, draw back blood sample needed from IV catheter.
To prime the urinary bladder:
a. Spray urinary catheter with lubricant and insert through the urethra
opening of the manikin’s genitalia. Approximate insertion depth for female
is 10cm and male is 12cm.
Urinary Catheter Inserted
b. Attached empty filled syringe to the urinary catheter and pull back on the
plunger to remove any air or fluid present in the urinary bladder.
c. Remove syringe. Remove the catheter from the manikin and flush with
clear distilled water to flush out any lubricant.
d. Fill syringe with 15 mL colored distilled water. Attach syringe to urinary
catheter and flush with the distilled water until no air remains in catheter.
e. Lubricate catheter tip and insert into urethra 10 cm for female and 12 cm
for male.
f. Inject 10 mL of colored distilled water in the bladder.
g.Remove the syringe and urinary catheter from the genitalia.
To prime the umbilical fluids:
a. Remove the belly button and inject 2-5 mLs red-colored distilled water into
the umbilical reservoir.