This manual contains all information considered necessary for the knowledge, good use and routine
maintenance of the Libellula 2” pump (hereinafter, also called machine), manufactured by CAFFINI CIPRIANO
S.r.l., hereinafter also called Manufacturing company or Manufacturer. The non-compliance with this manual
causes the cancellation, by the Manufacturing company, of the warranty it supplies with the machine. For any
repairs or revisions entailing complex operations, directly contact the Manufacturing company for ready and
accurate after-sales technical assistance.
These are the original instructions.
Upon receipt of the material, immediately check it for damages due to transport. Also check the exact
correspondence of the transport document. Any claims must, under penalty of expiration, be immediately
contested to the courier in the transport document and notified within seven days to the Manufacturer by
means of registered letter with acknowledgement receipt. When sending any communication, always indicate
the type and model of the machine printed on appropriate plate or punched near the oil introduction plug,
and the serial and/or series number. All our products have a 12 month warranty starting from the
commissioning date and, however, for not more than 18 months from the date of delivery. The repairs carried
out under warranty do not interrupt the warranty period. The warranty refers to material or processing defects
that jeopardise the functioning of the product or make it unsuitable for the use for which the product is
intended, as long as timely notified and, however, not later than 2 days after their finding. The damages
deriving from the physical/chemical features of the sucked liquid are excluded, as are the damages of the parts
that are, for nature or destination, subject to wear or deterioration (seal gaskets, diaphragms, vacuum and
pressure valves, rubber or plastic parts), or that depend from the non-compliance with our use or maintenance
instructions, bad or inadequate use or storage of the product or amendments or repairs made by staff not
authorised by ourselves.
The Libellula 2” series pumps are manufactured by CAFFINI CIPRIANO S.r.l. with offices in Lemignano di
Collecchio (Parma) - ITALY - post code 43044 - Via G. Di Vittorio n. 46 - Tel. +39 0521 804325 Fax +39 0521
804145 – e-mail:
Registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Parma with n. 175881 - in
the Company Register - nr. Mechanized PR017469 - tax code and VAT n. IT02002550347.