Manufacturing Nr: 22
Version B
Update: 2022/06/14
Minimum access level:
Setting the night cooling function
This function allows the room to be cooled during the night by using fresh outdoor air. This reduces the risk of temperature peaks
during the day and the cooling power to be delivered during the day if a room cooling system is present.
The Night Cooling function is set as standard to operate from 00:00 to 07:00 (adjustable). When the Night Cooling function is
active, the hot and cold outputs are deactivated, the recuperator switches to full fresh air. It is possible to add an adjustable fan
speed offset to increase the flow rate and cooling efficiency of the room. When the Night Cooling function is switched off, the
heating is deactivated for 60 minutes (adjustable).
Activation conditions:
Less than 4 days have elapsed since the system was last switched on
The outdoor temperature has been above 22°C during the day
The clocks are either set to reduced speed or off between 00:00 and 07:00 (the time programs for normal speed, or
forced normal speed or external control are off)
It is between 00:00 and 07:00 (or slot set up)
There is an active time schedule within the next 24 hours.
After 3 minutes of operation, the controller will check the stop conditions:
The outdoor temperature is higher than 18°C during the night cooling period
The outdoor temperature is lower than 10°C during the night cooling period to avoid any risk of condensation
The room temperature is below 18°C
The time schedule for normal speed or forced normal speed or the external control are on.
The unit goes through a shutdown phase at each entry/exit of the night cooling phase.
During the period of Night Cooling the fans operate at normal speed with a possible supplementary offset to be set.
CO2 management is deactivated throughout the operating period of Night Cooling.
Air control
Time setting
Access right
Outd temp: 12.4°C
Supply air temp
Act: 18.1°C Setp->
Setp: 18.2°C
Outdoor comp setp
-20.0°C = 25.0°C
-15.0°C = 24.0°C
-10.0°C = 23.0°C
Outdoor comp setp
10.0°C = 18.0°C
15.0°C = 18.0°C