Manufacturing Nr: 22
Version B
Update: 2022/06/14
The Modbus addresses shown in the tables use the generic Modbus standard. There is no address offset to be expected, the 1st existing variable is addressed to the value 0 (not 1).
Scaling factor = 10 means that the value read must be divided by 10 to be converted to a real value. Example: If the value read in the variable supply air temperature is 230, this means that the
temperature value is 230 / 10 = 23.0°C.
It is not possible to acknowledge alarms via communication. Acknowledgement must be done manually in the presence of a physical person directly on the machine's HMI after having identified and
resolved the cause of the problem.
The setpoints sent by the communication have priority over all the other instructions (external and internal) except for the on/off command of the screen which has absolute priority: if the local
command is off, the central unit cannot start even if the BMS requests it. Therefore, in order for the BMS to work, the control must be on.
Specificity of Bacnet: the list of variables is linked to the configuration of the unit. For example, if the temperature control is in constant supply, the air law variables are not accessible. If the unit is
in pressure regulation (LOBBY), the flow variables (MAC2) are not accessible.
Machine status (read only)