LMU-3xx Hardware & Installation Guide - PULS Wiki
LMU™ Serial Adapter
It only connects to the LMU-3xx™ products thru an adapter (i.e. the 5C883).
Serial Cable Adapter (Part Number 5C883)
This accessory allows users to connect the standard LMU serial cable to the LMU-3xx™.
LMU-3xx™ Serial Cable Adapter
4 Configuration and Activation
This section details how to quickly get an LMU-3xx™ provisioned and configured to point at a specific server. It is
assumed that a PEG script has already been created and is being managed through LMU Manager or PULS™, the
CalAmp Maintenance System.
We are making three assumptions to simplify the setup process:
You have created, installed and configured an LM Direct™ Server to receive messages from the
LMU-3xx™. (See LM Direct™ Reference Guide for details)
You are using the standard wiring harness from CalAmp and the serial port expansion harness.
You have created a HyperTerminal or Putty session.
You have contacted the CalAmp sales team regarding the network availability of the LMU-
3xx™. This device may not be supported for all the carriers or networks listed in this section (CDMA-
Verizon, CDMA-Sprint, HSPA, GSM), for product availability consult the CalAmp sales team.