Meters table
: shows the model of the selected meter
Device name
: name of the meter
: description of the meter
: click on the symbol to delete the meter
Meter data: the white fields are editable
Device name
: shows the name of the device
Description 1
: if blank, enter the first description for identification of the meter
Description 2
: if blank, enter the first description for identification of the meter
Installation date
: shows the meter installation date.
Readout interval
: frequency of meter readouts: 15 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12
hours, 1 day, 1 month.
Primary Address
: shows the meter address (uneditable).
Baud rate
: shows the speed with which the meter communicates with DATA EASY.
Readout by
: allows readout by primary address or secondary address
Serial number
: shows the serial number of the selected meter (uneditable)
Manufacturer Code
: shows the name of the manufacturer
Measured parameter
: shows the type of parameter read by the meter (uneditable)
Version (HEX)
: shows the meter version (uneditable)
: to save any changes