S320 OCS Getting Started Guide
Doc. Part No. 460166-00
June 29, 2015
Rev. D10
21 of 42
------------------------- Configuring DNS Servers -------------------------
Enter DNS servers one at a time.
When done, enter to stop.
Primary DNS Server :
Secondary DNS Server :
----------------------- Configuring DNS Search Path -----------------------
Press Enter to leave the current path unchanged, or specify
a new search path, with spaces separating each entry.
DNS Search Path : [ calient.local ] calient.local
-------------------- Configuring Network Time Protocol --------------------
Enter NTP servers one at a time. When done, enter a blank value or
If your organization or ISP does not have an NTP server, consider using the
public NTP servers provided by pool.ntp.org; see http://www.pool.ntp.org
for more information.
When done, enter a blank entry or to stop.
Primary NTP Server :
Secondary NTP Server :
-------------------------- Configuring Time Zone --------------------------
The system can be set to use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), sometimes
called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or to a local time zone. Most systems
use a local time zone.
Will this system use UTC? [no] : no
Please select a geographic location from the following list:
1. Africa
2. Americas
3. Antarctica
4. Arctic Ocean
5. Asia