S320 OCS Getting Started Guide
Doc. Part No. 460166-00
June 29, 2015
Rev. D10
30 of 42
Primary NTP Server :
Secondary NTP Server : 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Tertiary NTP Server : 1.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Additional NTP Server : 2.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Additional NTP Server : 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Additional NTP Server : ntp.ubuntu.com
-------------------------- Configuring Time Zone --------------------------
The system can be set to use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), sometimes
called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or to a local time zone. Most systems
use a local time zone.
Will this system use UTC? [no] :
Please select a geographic location from the following list:
1. Africa
2. Americas
10. Pacific Ocean
Enter continent [2] : 2
Please select a country or region from the following list:
1. Antigua & Barbuda
2. Anguilla
3. Argentina
4. Aruba
Enter country [48] : 48
Please select a time zone from the following list:
1. Alaska Time
2. Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle
3. Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle neck