S320 OCS Hardware User Guide
Doc. Part No. 460167-00
May 27, 2015
Rev. B7
Page 15 of 46
When optical cables or optical connectors are not connected, make sure the cables
and/or connectors are capped. Be sure to use clean caps.
Handle the fiber cables as little as possible.
Never eat, drink or smoke around optical equipment.
Keep cable runs neat and observe the MBR when bending fiber-optic cables.
Cleaning Substance Hazards
Isopropyl Alcohol
It may be necessary to use a solvent when cleaning optical fiber connectors. The recommended
solvent for cleaning optical fiber connectors is isopropyl alcohol (IPA) that is 99.8+% pure.
DOT Hazard Classification: Flammable Liquid
Always observe the following precautions when handling isopropyl alcohol:
Keep the container closed and away from heat, sparks or open flame.
Use with adequate ventilation.
Avoid breathing the vapor.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Store in an approved flammable materials cabinet when not in use.
Dispose of materials soiled with IPA in a clearly marked container approved for
such purpose.
If a spill occurs, clean up the spill and dispose of contaminated materials in
accordance with local requirements for hazardous waste.