Chapter 6: Configuration and alignment
Using the menu options
Page 6-25
Disabled: The device web management interface will not force a
logout for the current user.
Inactive Logout
When Inactive Logout is set to Enabled, this parameter indicates the
number of minutes for which the user will remain logged in to the
web management interface. Once the period has lapsed, the user
must login again to gain access to the web management interface.
Webpage Auto
Configure the interval for which the device retrieves system statistics
for display on the management interface. For example, if this setting
is configured to 5 seconds, the statistics and status parameters
displayed on the management interface will be refreshed every 5
seconds (default).
Webpage Auto Update is a session only
configuration change. It is updated with the <Enter> key and is not
savable when using the save button.
Range Unit Units of measurement on the device are displayed in either miles (m)
or kilometers (km).
Web Access HTTP: The device web management interface is accessed via HTTP.
HTTPS: The device web management interface may only be
accessed via secure HTTPS.
HTTP Port This specifies the TCP/UDP port to be used with HTTP or HTTPS. The
default value for HTTP is 80 and for HTTPS is 443.
SSH Access Disabled: Access to the device through SSH is not possible.
Enabled: Cambium engineers can access the device through SSH
which enables them to login to the radio and troubleshoot. SSH
Access is Enabled by default.
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
IP Assignment Static: The device retrieves NTP time data from the servers
configured in fields NTP Server IP Address.
DHCP: The device retrieves NTP time data from the server IP issued
via a network DHCP server.
Preferred NTP
Configure the primary NTP server IP addresses from which the
device will retrieve time and date information.
Alternate NTP Server Configure an alternate or secondary NTP server IP addresses from
which the device retrieves time and date information.
Time Zone The Time Zone option may be used to offset the received NTP time
to match the operator’s local time zone.
Location Services
Device Latitude Configure Latitude information for the device in decimal format.
Device Longitude Configure Longitude information for the device in decimal format.
Device Height Configure height above sea level for the device in meters.
Device Location Hyperlink to display the device location in Google Maps