Home Screen of an XNODE 4 running
in Art-Net 4 mode, configured to a
custom IP address (
with Art-Net and sACN universe
addressing information displayed in
XNODE 4 Home Screen with ports
1 -2 configured to output Art-Net and
ports 3 - 4 to output sACN. Desimal
universe addresses.
XNODE 4 Home Screen with ports
1 - 2 configured to output Art-Net and
ports 3 - 4 as Art-Net inputs. Hexade-
cimal universe addresses.
The Home Screen shows the IP address of the node and, depending on the firmware version and configuration of the node, also the Art-Net
net and the Art-Net sub-net of the node or the Art-Net name.
The Art-Net name is displayed if the device has firmware version 1.01 or later and the Art-Net version of the device is set to Art-Net 4 (see
Art-Net Version).
The numbers at the bottom of the screen display the 4-bit Art-Net universe of each each output port running in Art-Net mode if independent
Art-Net universes are disabled (see Independent Universes) or if the Art-Net version of the node is set to Art-Net 3 if the node is running
firmware version 1.01 or later.
If the Art-Net version of the node is set to Art-Net 4 (available with firmware versions 1.01 and newer) or if independent Art-Net universes
are enabled (applicable to devices with firmware version 1.00 and older), Art-Net net and Art-Net sub-net are not displayed and the numbers
at the bottom of the screen that correspond to a port running in Art-Net mode are values in the range of 0 to 32767. This number fully
identyfies a port’s universe and is also referred to as the port address. For more information on the addressing of Art-Net ports, see section
Representations of Art-Net Port Addresses in the appendix.
For each port running in sACN mode, the 16-bit sACN universe, a number in the range of 1 to 63999, is displayed at the bottom of the
screen. The left most number corrseponds to the universe of port 1.
The universe number of an input port is surrounded by a rounded corner box. A filled box around the universe number of an input port
indicates the presence of a valid DMX signal.
The Port Screen shows information about the selected port. It can be reached by pressing the port button (button [1] – button [4], or by
navigating to Home > Menu > Ports > Port X > Universe. There are three variations of the Port Screen, depending on selected protocol and
Art-Net version.
Art-Net 4
Art-Net 3
This screen can be closed by pressing [Cancel] or [OK]. It will disappear by itself after 20 seconds. When turning the encoder, universe edit
mode is activated. For more information about universe numbering and editing, see section Universe.
Depending on the port mode, the label on the top left will show if the selected port is configured as an input or as an output. A disabled port
just shows the port number and a “Port Off” label.
A double tap on the port button will open a reduced port settings menu. This allows fast changes to port specific settings. See section Port
Settings for more information.