Version 1.1
Flow rate is dropping
1) Check for a blockage on the screen.
Hopper is backing up
or overflowing
1) Ensure there is no blockage on
internal hopper screen.
2) Clean debris or salt away from the
3) Make sure you are not filling your
orange brining tank over 600 gallons.
Pump will not turn on
1) Check breakers and relays. Reset if
2) Check adequate power supply.
3) Verify wiring is in good condition.
Bottom clean out on
hopper drain will not
1) Place implement bucket
underneath the 3” clean out valve
and remove obstruction by running
garden hose into tank fitting in the
bottom of hopper to dislodge.
If you notice your flow rate has decreased to under 100 gpm
on flowmeter it is required to disassemble filter by shutting
off unit and opening drain valve. Then unscrew housing and
clean screen inside. Reassemble and continue use.
Always Clean unit with fresh water at the end of every
season to clean out all brine left in brine maker to insure
proper operations for the following years.