255-100 Novalynx
Analogue Output Evaporation Gauge
8. Maintenance
Prevent algae from growing in the pan by adding 5 to 10 mg/lit
of copper
sulphate to the water. Copper sulphate is available at many farm and garden
supply stores. If algae is already in the pan, the pan will need to be thoroughly
In severe situations, spa chemicals may be used, but they may
influence the evaporation process.
Keep plants from growing over the edges of the pan.
Regularly rinse the pan to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating in the pan.
During the winter months when the water may freeze, drain and clean the pan
and then store both the pan and evaporation ga
ge indoors. If the evaporation
pan must be left outside, turn it upside down and secure it to the platform using
a stout rope.
9. Attributions and References
For details on site selection, installation, and maintenance refer to the
Cooperative Station Observations section of the National Weather Service
Observing Handbook No. 2 currently available at:
Troubleshooting and other information is also available in the Novalynx
Manual available at: