Automatic Weather Station with UT20/UT30 Tower
You must take careful consideration of site conditions and roof
construction (if roof mounted) before installing the roof-mount
base. If you are at all unsure about the construction or
structural integrity of the roof, you must seek expert advice
before attempting to mount the base. We recommend roof
mounted masts must be guyed.
Locate where the tower base is to be installed and place the tower sections end to
end in the correct order of assembly. Make sure that enough clearance exists so
that the tower can later be ‘walked’ up to its upright position without overhead
As with a ground mounted installation, you
particularly for overhead obstructions such as power
cables and other wiring around the building. If any part of
the weather station structure comes into contact with
power lines you could be badly injured or killed.
Attach the bottom section of the tower to the base using one bolt per leg. Stand the
base and tower section upright, and orient for the proper tilt direction (see Figure
1-4). Install the base to the roof using three lag bolts, or other anchors appropriate
for the application (see Caution above). Before tightening the bolts, check that the
tower is vertical and add shims or other packing material to the base if necessary.
Figure 1-4 Special Roof-Mounting Base Installation for UT30
1.5.3 Lightning Protection for Roof Mounted Towers
You will be supplied with a standard lightning/grounding kit as detailed in Section
2.9 of this manual. Both the main and secondary grounding wires are intended to
reach to a grounding spike adjacent to the tower. For a roof mounted tower it is
your responsibility to make suitable arrangements for the grounding wires to be
properly grounded. This may be by connecting them to existing lightning
protection equipment on the building, or, alternatively, by running a new
grounding wire down the building to the ground spike or other suitable grounding
point. If you are unsure about the provision of adequate lightning protection, you
should seek expert advice.
Check that tower is
vertical with spirit