Section 6. Troubleshooting
The sensor is placed in a gill shield to deflect direct sunlight. These shields
need to be kept free of dust, dirt, and anything that might block the free
movement of air across the sensor. Solar Radiation Sensors
Wind speed and solar radiation are the primary factors that determine correct
evapotranspiration values calculated by the Toro software.
The solar radiation sensor is a solid state device that is very durable. It needs
to have the white plastic button on the top of the sensor kept free of dirt or
debris. This is best accomplished by wiping the sensor off with a soft camel
hair paint brush. Normal wind and rain action will keep the sensor fairly clean
but bird droppings need the personal touch.
Blocking light to the sensor will skew the values the datalogger gives. Tipping Rain Bucket
This is probably the sensor that will need the most maintenance.
Birds like to use them for nesting sites and lizards and spiders have been known
to live inside. The bucket has moving parts inside that need to be kept free of
webs or anything that might disturb their normal movement.
The older buckets did not have the drain plug on the bottom of the bucket that
blocks entry of pests. The newer buckets do have this plug but it won't stop the
spiders. The bucket needs to be checked daily to weekly to clean it out. Wind Direction and Wind Speed Sensors
Wind speed uses internal bearings that probably will need to be replaced every
1 - 2 years. This can be determined by watching the sensor as it turns. If there
appears to be a particular place in the sensor's rotation that seems to "hang" or
"rub" then the sensor probably needs its bearings replaced.
Call Campbell
TOROPRO uses GraphTerm and can be used instead of TERM for testing the
weather station. If the customer is using PC121 software then go to the
directory where the software resides and type in "GT" <Enter> from the
If a station file has already been created for TOROPRO than type in "weather"
from the station file prompt. The station file screen should be similar to what is
in Figure 6-2. To save station file setups press and hold the <Ctrl> key
followed by the <p> key. Release both keys simultaneously.
The datalogger .dld file will also be entitled "WEATHER". Only use the main
menu options mentioned in Section 6.2.
Trouble shooting the system will be the same as outlined in the previous