WATER. Use no soap. Agitate the filter in the cup of water. Remove the filter and allow to
air dry before putting it back on the end of the sensor.
6 months
Replace the anemometer bearings and reed switch on the 034B-ET if operating under
harsh conditions, such as constant high winds, blowing dust, and/or salt spray
contamination. Contact your local Toro distributor for service.
1 year
Replace the wind speed (anemometer) bearings on the 034B-ET. Contact your local Toro
distributor for service.
Replace reed switch the 034B-ET if needed. Contact your local Toro distributor for service.
Check calibration of the HMP60-ETS Temp/RH sensor, which tends to drift up over time
giving readings higher than 100%. Replace RH chip if necessary (refer to
Procedure for removing RH chip
T107 stations began shipping January 2014 with an updated radiation shield with
knurled thumb screws, using the HMP60 ETS Temp/RH sensor. All information in this
document is also pertinent for the HMP50-ET, HMP60-ET, and HMP60 ETR sensors.
Replace desiccant in enclosure housing as needed.
Section 7. Maintenance and troubleshooting