5. Overview
The sensor consists of a wire-wrapped, four-wire Pt100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
element encapsulated in an epoxy-filled, stainless-steel housing. The thin yet robust housing,
combined with the Pt100 sensing element, provide the first true WMO-compliant sensor to meet
the 20-second step response time with an ambient wind speed of only 1 m/s (3.3 ft/s).
The TempVue 20 SDI-12 has a maximum measurement uncertainty of only 0.3 K over the entire
measurement range of –60 to +60 °C, with only 0.1 Kelvin (K) over the most common
temperature range of -40 to +40 °C.
When exposed to environments with high wind, sun, or precipitation levels, the TempVue 20 SDI-
12 must be housed in a radiation shield, such as the RAD06 6-plate shield.
Figure 5-1. TempVue 20 SDI-12 with the cable attached
Meets WMO step change response time at 1 m/s (3.28 ft/s)
Maintains high measurement stability over both time and temperature
Incredibly easy to install or remove for calibration checks
Highly durable, providing sensor element protection in even the harshest environmental
Compatible with any SDI-12 data logger/controller including Campbell Scientific GRANITE-
series, CR6, CR3000, CR1000X, CR800-series, CR300-series, and CR1000
Allows for cable length adjustments without the need for calibration changes
TempVue 20 SDI-12 PT-100 Class A, Precision Air Temperature Sensor