Camtec Power Supplies GmbH - Gewerbestrasse 30 - DE-76327 Pfinztal / Germany
P.3/15 (03/2017.02.2)
Tel. +49 (721) 46596 - 0 Fax +49 (721) 46596 - 77
(Subject to alterations. This product is not designed to be used in applications such as life support systems wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death)
Idling behavior
Series is permanently open-circuit proof.
When an output voltage is preset it comes stable. If a load is
switched suddenly, the unit stabilized within <1ms. An
overshoot of the output voltage is irrelevant.
Start behavior
The power supply has a start delay of
s to stabilize all
measuring circuits for the interface messages accurately.
The power supply starts with a ramp (soft start) of 100ms.
The output voltage does not overshoot - regardless of
whether a load is connected or not.
Galvanic isolation and insulation
The switching power supply is galvanically isolated between
the input and the output. The sensing, Ureg, Ireg, Umon,
Imon and Iref are connected to the DC power output.
Voltage programming (Ureg)
The output voltage of the HSEUiREG power supply can be
adjusted by a control signal. The setting is linear to the input
Current programming (Ireg)
The output current of the HSEUiREG power supply can be
adjusted by a control signal. The setting is linear to the input
Voltage Monitor (Umon)
The power supply provides real-time monitoring of the output
voltage. It is the exact and real value at the output terminals.
If the sense line is used, the real value is measured directly
at the load. The latency signal preset to the measured value
is negligible since the control circuit is constructed
completely analogously.
Current Monitor (Imon)
The power supply provides real-time monitoring of the output
current. It is the exact and real value at the output terminals.
The latency signal preset to the measured value is negligible
since the control circuit is constructed completely
Constant Voltage or Constant Current Mode (CV/CC)
The device can optionally be operated as a DC voltage
source or a constant current source. The operating mode is
signaled via LED.
Reference Voltage (Uref)
The devices feature an auxiliary reference voltage to operate
external potentiometers. The Uref voltage can be set to 5,2V
or 10,4V 5mA via the DIP-switch.
Sense Mode
The power supply has a sense mode to compensate for
voltage drops of 2V per load line.
External Shutdown (SD)
All the models are featured with an external shutdown
(switch/open collector)
Digitale Interface
The standard equipment of the power supply is an analog
Optionally, the unit can be equipped upon request with a
digital USB 2.0 interface. Options include a software and a
DOM interface for easy control over standard software like
LabView or others.
DC Power Good Relay
The power good relay connection indicates over device
temperature and low AC supply voltage.
Over Temperature Thermal Shutdown (OT)
The device has a thermal monitoring: shutdown with
automatic restart.
Fast Down Programming & PowerSink (PS)
For fast down programming an internal PowerSink is offered
as an option. The current sink discharges the output
electrolytic capacitors and eleminates back feed energy.
A further output allows to control external PowerSink
modules. The internal current sink for quick programming
must be installed at the factory.
ST-HD (ST Heat Dissipation)
Our aligned and controlled heat dissipation design opens
possibilities that are formerly being reserved to custom
design power supplies: Hard mount of the HSEUiREG power
supply modules on a wall allows easy access to base plate
In practice that means that one can mount the modules onto
a thermal conducting wall to unsure that a sigificat part of the
losses wil be transported directly out of the power supply