EN-Rev IM/GN-AM-EN/1.4 Copyright © July, 2018. Canadian Solar Inc.
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1. To fix the wire between
the flat washer and
cup washer, place the
cup washer (concave
side up) between the
frame and the wire.
2. Then tighten the bolt
using the toothed nut.
· A grounding kit containing an M5 (3/16") SS cap
bolt, an M5 (3/16") SS flat washer, an M5 (3/16") SS
cup washer, and an M5 (3/16") SS nut (with teeth)
is used to attach copper grounding wire to a pre-
drilled grounding hole on the frame (see image
· Place the wire between the flat washer and the cup
washer. Ensure that the cup washer is positioned
between the frame and the wire with the concave
side up to prevent galvanic corrosion. Tighten the
bolt securely using the SS toothed nut. A wrench may
be used to do this. The tightening torque is 3-7 Nm
(2.2-5.2 ft-lbs).
mountInG InstRuCtIons
The applicable regulations pertaining to
work safety, accident prevention and
securing the construction site must be
observed. Workers and third party personnel shall
wear or install fall arrest equipment. Any third
party need to be protected against injuries and
· The mounting design must be certified by a
registered professional engineer. The mounting
design and procedures must comply with all
applicable local codes and requirements from all
relevant authorities.
· The module is considered to be in compliance with
UL 1703 and IEC 61215 only when the module is
mounted in the manner specified by the mounting
instructions included in this installation manual.
· Any module without a frame (laminate) shall not be
considered to comply with the requirements of UL
1703 unless the module is mounted with hardware
that has been tested and evaluated with the
module under this standard or by a field inspection
certifying that the installed module complies with
the requirements of UL 1703.
· Canadian Solar Inc. does not provide mounting
· Standard modules can be mounted onto a
support structure using one of several approved
methods. One of such methods is described below.
For details of other mounting methods and the
methods recommended by Canadian Solar Inc. for
special module ranges, please refer to the Annex
A (Alternative Mounting Methods) on our website
(www.canadiansolar.com). For information about
other installation methods, please contact your
local representative. Failure to use a recognized
installation method will void the Canadian Solar Inc.
· Use appropriate corrosion-proof fastening
materials. All mounting hardware (bolts, spring
washers, flat washers, nuts) should be hot dip
galvanized or stainless steel.
· Use a torque wrench for installation.
· Do not drill additional holes or modify the module
frame. Doing so will void the warranty.
· Standard modules can be installed in either
landscape or portrait orientations. Refer to the
detailed instructions for further guidance. Please
note that in areas with heavy snowfall (> 2400 Pa)
further countermeasures such the use of additional
support bars should be considered to avoid snow
loads damaging the lowest row of modules.
GRounDInG metHoD:
Bolt + tootHeD nut + CuP WasHeR.