Cleaning / Replacing Filter Cartridge
WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Unplug the PCU before beginning spa maintenance.
A dirty or incorrect filter cartridge may contaminate the spa water and cause
damage to the heating function.
1. Carefully thread the two inlet/outlet caps on inner spa wall. (Ensure the rubber gaskets are in
place within the plastic caps)
2. Remove filter housing lid by turning it anti-clockwise, then remove the filter cartridge.
3. Rinse off filter cartridge with water and reuse if possible. Remove and clean the white filter grill
(see photo opposite)
regularly to remove debris
- remember to replace filter grill after cleaning.
Replace filter if the cartridge remains dirty after rinsing or is badly discoloured.
4. Put the cleaned filter back into the cartridge housing and close the lid by turning it clockwise.
5. Remove caps from the two inlet/outlet caps on inner spa wall and allow water to flow into pump. Next
purge air from the air valve on the PCU. The tub is now ready for use.
The filter cartridge should be cleaned weekly and replaced on a monthly basis, or
depending on use. A reminder (‘CHG FIL’) will appear to change the filter after 25 days.
Hold down ‘HEAT’ for 5 seconds to clear the message. Change water once a month or
depending on usage and use appropriate spa chemicals. Please pay attention to the
chemicals used and dosage. Spa damage resulting from misuse of chemicals is not
covered by the warranty.
Water Balance:
We recommend you maintain your water balance: PH value: 7.2 - 7.6;
Free Chlorine: 2ppm - 3ppm; Alkalinity: 120-150ppm. Use a test kit to test your spa
water before each use of the spa, or at least once per week.
Water Sanitation:
We recommend using Chlorine Granules to disinfect the spa water.
Spa Ball:
We suggest you use a Spa Ball to help in the filtration of your spa.
Cleaning the Spa:
Clean the spa with soap and water, then rinse.
Leave it outside to dry.
Small holes or punctures can be repaired with the
repair kit that comes with the spa (glue not included)
Maintenance & Troubleshooting:
Cloudy water/
Foamy water
Eye skin/
• High pH (test to verify)
• Poor filtration
• High dissolved solids
• High level of organic
• Low pH and/or alkalinity
combined Chlorine due to
organic contamination
• Add pH down
• Add Foam Free
• Empty spa and re-fill
• Increase the amount of
• Add PH Booster
• Increase the amount of
Chlorine Granules