Drain System
Locate and remove the external threaded Drain Cap. Attach Drain Hose to Drain Outlet. Locate and remove
the stopper on the spa floor to allow water to drain.
Dry the Spa and Portable Control Unit
After an RCD test, press ‘JETS’ to blow out the water inside the jet holes. Turn PCU off and disconnect all connectors
from connection ports on the PCU. Turn PCU back on and run blower for 30 seconds to allow excess water to clear
from blower port. Unplug RCD and hold PCU at an angle, allowing water to drain from connection ports. Once water
flow stops, remove Filter Housing Lid and hold PCU upside down. Give the PCU a slight shake, allowing all excess
water to be removed. Close Filter Housing Lid when complete. NOTE: PCU must be stored upright. Leaving PCU at
an angle or upside down may result in damage.
Operate with the jets pipe connected, press jets to force excess
water out from spa body/bladder, then dry down, store in a warm & dry place.
Use a towel to wipe off the spa and dry for 24 hours. Unscrew the Air Valve on the lid. Unzip the liners and gently fold
them for storage along with the foam panels. It is recommended that you store the spa in its original package in a
warm dry place.
Water Level
Ensure water is high
enough and level in the
spa. Check if this will help
the spa performance.
CHECK 2: Inside Connection
Make sure the clear plastic Inlet/Outlet caps have
been removed before turning on the PCU.
CHECK 3: Bleed Air out of
Portable Control Unit
If PCU makes a grinding noise, there is a
restriction of water flow to the PCU. Bleed
the air out of the pump by unscrewing the
Air Valve. Check if this resolves the pump’s
CHECK 4: Back Flush PCU
Back flushing the PCU is recommended every
few months to help PCU performance and
longevity. Simply remove the PCU from the tub
connections (cap ports inside tub first if you do
not want to drain spa) remove the filter and run
water from a garden hose into the ‘Heater Port’.
Flush for 1to 2 minutes and hold PCU
upside down to drain remaining water.