Section 4 - MultiLogger Configuration
User's Guide
4.3.3 Data Collection
After an MLGPS station has been configured, in order to begin importing data to be accessed in MLWeb, data
collection for the device must be configured.
Exit the Logger form to return to the Network Manager. Click on the Gateway node in the Network
Configuration tree. Notice the
Database Alias
drop-down list, highlighted in Figure 4.3.2 A. Select the
database into which the data will be imported from the Data Alias drop-down.
‒ If the edit is disabled, the Gateway List is not configured properly. See "2.2.1 - Gateways" and "2.4 - Data
Collection" of the MultiLogger Software User's Guide for more information on the Database Alias and the Data
Collection tab.
(Figure 4.3.2 A)