Section 4 - MultiLogger Configuration
User's Guide
Data Import
(Figure 4.4.3 B)
Four coordinate systems are available for rover stations:
Rover Initial Position
Base Station
, and
Custom Coordinate System
‒ WGS84 is the global reference system/geographic coordinate system used for GPS. This option sets
the coordinates of the station to WGS84 coordinates.
Rover Initial Position
‒ This creates a coordinate system for the Rover in which its initial position is 0,0.
Base Station Position
‒ This creates a coordinate system in which the Base Station's initial position is 0,0.
Custom Coordinate System
‒ The MLGPS coordinates can be matched to a custom coordinate system
assigned to a MLWeb database project. This is done with a WKT (Well Known Text) transformation string, a
set of parameters that defines a coordinate system. Select
from the Coordinate System drop-down
menu. The Custom Definition (WKT) field will become available. The WKT for the project can now be pasted
into the field.
Position Units
‒ Select the units for the coordinate system. These should match the units of any previously
recorded MLGPS data.