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Information about The New Generation Cooling
The New Generation Cooling Technology refrigerators are
different from the other static refrigerators in terms of their
operational system.
In normal fridge freezers, the humidity entering the fridge freezer
due to opening the door and the humidity inherent in the food
causes freezing in the freezer compartment. To defrost the frost
and ice in the freezer compartment, you are periodically required
to turn off the fridge freezer, place the food that needs to be kept
frozen in a separately cooled container and remove the ice
gathered in the freezer compartment.
The situation is completely different in no-frost refrigerators. Dry
and cold air is blown into the fridge and freezer compartments
homogeneously and evenly from several points via a blower
fan. Cold air dispersed homogeneously and evenly between
the shelves cools all of your food equally and uniformly, thus
preventing humidity and freezing.
Therefore your New Generation Cooling Technology fridge
freezer allows you ease of use, in addition to its huge capacity
and stylish appearance.
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