Changing file numbering
With the Rebel XSi/450D, you can set the
camera to number images using one of
three options: Continuous, Auto reset, and
Manual reset. These options allow you to
number your images sequentially, to restart
numbering each time you change the media
card, or to choose to manually reset num-
bering. Here is how the options work:
Continuous file numbering. This
is the default option for file num-
bering on the XSi/450D where the
camera stores the last highest
image number internally to con-
tinue a sequential numbering sys-
tem. Images are numbered
sequentially with a unique, four-
digit number from 0001 to 9999.
The camera automatically creates a
folder on the SD/SDHC card
named 101. It stores images in the
folder until you shoot image num-
ber 9999. At that point, the camera
creates a new folder named 102,
and images you shoot restart with
number 0001.
This works great until you insert an
SD/SDHC card that has images on
it. When you take another picture,
the new image file number contin-
ues from the highest numbered
image that’s already stored on the
card if it is higher than the highest
image number stored in the cam-
era’s memory. In other words, the
camera uses the highest number
whether that high number is
stored in internal memory or is
stored on the card. If you want to
continue continuous numbering,
insert only formatted/empty
SD/SDHC cards into the camera.
With unique filenames, managing
and organizing images on the com-
puter are easy, because up to
image number 9999, you don’t
have to worry about having images
with the filename on your
Auto reset. With this option, file
numbering restarts at 0001 each
time you insert a different SD/
SDHC card. If the SD/SDHC card
has images stored on it, then num-
bering continues from the highest
image number stored on the card.
So if you want the images to
always begin at 0001 on each
SD/SDHC card, then be sure to
insert freshly formatted SD/SDHC
cards each time you replace the
card. If you like to organize images
by media card, this is a useful
option. However, if you use this
option, be aware that multiple
images that you store on the com-
puter will have the same number
or filename. This means that you
should create separate folders on
the computer and follow scrupu-
lous folder organization to avoid
filename conflicts and potential
overwriting of images that have
the same filename.
Manual reset. With this option,
the camera creates a new folder
on the SD/SDHC card, and images
are saved to the new folder start-
ing at 0001. After Manual reset, file
numbering returns to Continuous
or Auto reset, based on what you
used previously. The Manual reset
option is handy if you want the
camera to create separate folders
for images that you take over a
span of several days.
Chapter 1
Exploring and Setting Up the Rebel XSi/450D
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