background image

discharged. The total number of flash pulses that can be fired this way depends on the flash power 
level setting, the frequency and the power source of the flash.  

Sync Buttons 


 buttons (pressing both the + and – buttons together) turns on second curtain sync. This only 

effects flash exposures with relatively long shutter speeds. Its primary purpose is to get light trails 
to follow the flash instead of leading it. In normal sync mode the flash fires at the beginning of the 
exposure. If the exposure is long and the subject moves, some of that movement might be recorded 
on film, and it will look like it’s in front of the flash exposure. Scenes like moving cars with 
headlights on will appear to be moving backwards. Setting the sync to the second curtain makes the 
trailing movement appear behind the subject. Second curtain sync can usually be left on without any 
negative results. There will be a multi headed arrow symbol that shows on the right side of the LCD 
when second curtain sync is on.  

Zoom Button 


 button cycles the flashes zoom head from Auto to 24, 28, 35, 50, 70, 80, 105 and then back 

to auto. The LCD will show you what flash zoom setting is being selected and if it is not on auto 
zoom there will be an “M” to the left of the zoom setting. You usually leave this to the auto setting 
unless you have reason to change it. If you use the manual zoom settings the only thing to keep in 
mind is to keep the flash head zoomed to the same focal length, or less, as your lens. This way the 
flash will cover the whole area that the lens is seeing. Lenses longer than 105mm are not a problem. 
Maximum flash distance increases with a longer zoom setting since the light beam is more 
concentrated. The flashes manual distance calculator includes this info in its calculations. If you 
need to cover a lens wider than 24mm, you can pull down the built-in flash diffuser that is stored 
above the flash head. It is rated for lenses as wide as 18mm, but it actually has a lot of light fall off 
near the edges so I wouldn’t use it for lenses wider than 20mm. For better wide angle coverage you 
can attach a bounce reflector to the flash head. Maximum flash distance will be reduced by about 
half, but that’s usually not a problem.  

Pilot Button/Light 


 button/light will glow red when the flash capacitor is nearly fully charged. A true full 

charge will actually take a few seconds more. The Ready Light will glow green for the “quick 
flash” mode. This will allow you to take a TTL or A-TTL flash picture before the flash has fully 
recycled. Be careful that you don’t exceed its more limited range when doing this though. Pressing 
the ready light will discharge the flash, normally at full power or whatever power level you have 
manually selected if it is in manual mode.  

The flash also has a 

Quick Flash

 mode where the pilot light shows green when it is partially 

charged. You can take a picture then if you are in TTL or A-TTL mode, but it’s maximum distance 
is reduced to about half. This can be handy for rapid firing, but can also cause underexposed 
pictures if you aren’t careful.  

Confirmation Light 


 light (the one that’s not labeled, just to the right of the PILOT light) will glow 

green for about two seconds if the camera’s built-in flash meter determines that there has been 
enough flash to give a proper exposure. This can be useful if your subject is at a great distance of if 
you are bouncing the flash off a tall or dark ceiling.  

Light Button 


 button (just to the left of the MODE button) turns on the back light for the LCD. It goes off 

by itself after a few seconds.  

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EOS Documentation - 540EZ Operator's Manual
