Functions > Basic Function > Restriction on address
Functions > Basic Function > Restriction on address
Restriction on address
1. Restriction on new addresses
To set whether to put restrictuions (limitation) on calling to the new addresses (entered by
numeric key).
ON: Restrict to call the new address
OFF: Allow to call the new address
2. Limitation on FAX driver for transmission
To set whether to permit FAX driver to execute a send-job.
ON: Restrict a send-job from FAX driver.
OFF: Allow FAX driver to execute a send-job.
3. Password of address book
To register password for address book registration
Password must consist of 1-byte numeric characters. Maximum length of password is seven
4. Setting for confirmation message when entering FAX number
To set whether to display a confirmation message for the entered address when single
address is selected for Fax transmission.
ON: Display a confirmation message.
OFF: Disable to display a confirmation message.
5. Restriction on redial/call
To set whether to restrict redial/call function.
ON: Disable redial/call function.
OFF: Enable redial/call function.
6. Restriction on multi-address transmission function
To set whether to restrict a transmission to multiple addresses.
OFF: Allow a transmission to multiple addresses.
Confirmation of multiple-address transmission: Notify with confirmation message in case of
multiple-address transmission.
Disable multiple-address transmission: Restrict a transmission to multiple addresses.