Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface
These are new serial interface standards. This bus automatically recognizes connections (Plug and Play) to allow plugging and
unplugging connectors with the power still turned on to the PC or peripheral equipment.
Virtual Memory
Space on the hard disk that Windows uses for temporary data storage as if it were actually Random Access Memory (RAM).
Windows does this by means of a swap file. This provides Windows with more usable memory, but reduces speed of access to it
when the swap file must be used. See also Physical RAM.
Refers to the thickness of a font: light, medium, or bold. Also refers to the thickness of paper.
Windows Explorer
The Windows program you can use to browse through, open, and manage the disk drives, folders, and files on your computer in a
network system. You can also use Windows Explorer to view and open shared folders on other computers on the network. You can
use Windows Explorer to manage your files by moving, copying, renaming, and deleting files.
Pronounced wizzy-wig, an acronym for “what you see is what you get.” For example, when you format a paragraph, the line breaks
that appear on the printed page are exactly the same as they are on the screen.