Canon
Powershot
A3100
Digital
Camera
Instructions
To
Power
on
the
Camera:
Press
the
On/Off
button
at
the
top
center
of
the
camera.
To
Zoom
In:
Press
zoom
button
(magnifying
glass)
To
Zoom
Out:
Press
button
next
to
the
magnifying
glass
To
turn
off
flash:
1.
Press
the
right
(lightning)
button
(sets
to
Off)
2.
Press
it
again
to
change
to
Auto
flash
To
take
a
picture:
1.
Press
the
larger
silver
button
to
the
right
of
the
On/Off
button
(make
sure
it
is
on
Auto
Mode
(green
Auto
button
on
right)).
2.
Press
it
halfway
to
focus,
and
then
press
all
the
way
to
take
the
shot
To
view
images:
1.
Press
Play
button
(blue
triangle)
2.
The
last
image
that
you
took
with
be
displayed
3.
Press
left
button
(flower
and
mountains)
to
view
from
newest
to
oldest
picture
4.
Press
right
button
(lightning)
to
view
from
oldest
to
newest
picture
To
delete
images:
1.
Press
Play
button
(blue
triangle)
2.
Choose
an
image
to
erase
by
pressing
left
or
right
button
3.
Press
the
down
button
(blue
trash)
and
Erase?
Will
appear
4.
Press
left
or
right
button
to
Choose
Yes
or
No
5.
Then,
press
the
function
set
button
in
the
center
6.
If
you
choose
yes,
the
image
will
be
deleted
To
shoot
video/movie:
1.
Set
the
mode
dial
on
top
to
the
video
camera
button
2.
Use
zoom
buttons
3.
Press
shot
button
halfway
to
focus
4.
Press
all
the
way
to
shoot
the
video
(Record
will
start)
5.
Take
your
finger
off
the
shot
button
6.
Press
the
shot
button
fully
to
stop
To
view
movies:
1.
First,
set
the
mode
dial
on
top
to
the
video
camera
button
2.
Press
Play
button
(blue
triangle)
3.
The
last
image
that
you
took
with
be
displayed
4.
Press
left
button
(flower
and
mountains)
to
order
video
list
from
newest
to
oldest
5.
Press
right
button
(lightning)
to
order
video
list
from
oldest
to
newest
6.
Press
function
set
(center)
button
to
play
movie