Re-examine the board. Continue the operat-adjust procedure until the clip marks disappear. Should the board fail to feed through, back off
slightly on both adjusting screws until feeding is smooth and the imperfections do not reappear. Lock the pressure bar adjusting screws with
the jam nuts provided.
CAUTION: Do not adjust pressure bar with cutterhead running.
Note: Adjustment of the pressure bar will be required whenever knives are resharpened and because wear which will occur on the cutting
edge of the knives, causing feed to be restricted. Feed restriction can also occur due to pitch buildup on the table. Be sure the table surface is
clean and dusting the surface with talc occasionally will aid in smoother feeding and help to prevent pitch buildup.
5-8 Knife Installation
Knife installation on planer can be a difficult and exacting process. If the knives are not to be jointed and ground, end to end and knife to
knife relationship must be held within 0.001" for accurate and smooth planing. To help avoid cutterhead distortion in changing out a set of
knives, remove and replace the knife in one slot before changing the next knife.
Clean all dust, chip, pitch and accumulated foreign matter from a cutterhead slot and off of its gib.
Working with one slot, drop knife spring in their holes located in each slot.
With the knife and gib against each other and the concave shaped surface of the gib up, insert into the slot. The back edge of the knife
bevel should be slightly below the outside diameter of the cutterhead. Lightly tighten the two outside and center gib screw. (Fig. 8)
Fig. 8
Take the cutterhead knife gage (Fig. 9) on the cutterhead outside diameter.