Fig. 9
Using an open-end wrench to slightly loosen knife gib adjsuting screws, raise the knife by spring to be approximately 2 mm projection
from the cutterhead body. Check the full length of the knife and be sure it is the same height.
Starting from the center outward, sung down all gib screws and then repeat process locking them.
Repeat the preceding method on successive knives making sure that the height from knife to knife is the same within 0.001".
After all knife have been installed, recheck all gib screws to be sure they are tight. Loose gib screws can result in knives being thrown
out of the cutterhead causing severe damage to the machine and possible serious or fatal injury to the operator or bystanders.
Note: If all knives have been removed, a new set must be installed without locking the gibs until all knives and gibs are in and the gib screws
lightly snugged down. The locking process should proceed working from the center out on each knife and after locking all gib screws once,
repeat the same sequence until all screws are equally tight. Locking one knife in without the other in position can cause cutterhead distortion.