Operating instruction
General Comments
The Subwoofer-Satellite-System Combi is a trouble-free unit. It is ready to operate as soon as
it is connected to an pre amplifier/power-amplifier or integrated amplifier/receiver.
The subwoofer reproduces the deep bass frequencies (tones) ranging from 20-120 Hz, the
satellites reproduce the midrange and treble frequencies. Two passive crossover networks
built into the subwoofer ensure optimal acoustic connection of the satellites to the subwoofer.
If you loop an additional active displacement control (control unit) into the signal path this
system gives you astonishingly deep and precise bass for subwoofer-satellite-speakers of
such compact volume.
The Combi SC-System thus provides an ingeniously simple solution to the problem of filling a
room with sound inconspicuously, yet with true Hifi quality. Because the stereo effect - of a
musical signal for example - stems solely from the midrange and treble frequencies. This pays
off in advantages for positioning the subwoofer in the listening room.
The system is connected with the amplifier via the power amplifier (separate pairs of sockets
for left and right channels) while the satellites are conected to the subwoofer. Always ensure
correct polarity by connecting the marked cable lead to the plus pole (white clamp) and the
unmarked lead to the minus pole (black clamp).
Important: In order not to damage the amplifier ensure that the subwoofer is not operated by
itself, i.e. without satellites.
To connect the control unit with the pre-amplifier/power amplifier, please use the enclosed
Cinch connecting cable. Depending on the electronics in your system, you have various
possibilities of looping the control unit into the signal path. If you own separa te pre-amplifier
and power amplifier, connect the output sockets of the pre-amplifier with the input (In) sockets
of the control unit. The corresponding output sockets (Out) are connected with the inputs of
the power amplifier.
For integrated amplifiers/ receivers in which pre-amp and power-amp stages can be separated,
please follow the same procedure. Should your components not have these connection
facilities, linkage can also be made via the Tape (Monitor) sockets. the signal for the control
unit is then picked up at the Rec. Out terminals of the amplifier/receiver (control unit In sockets).
The output signal (Out sockets) is fed to the Tape input (In) of the amplifier or receiver. If the
amplifier/ receiver has a separate Monitor switch, it must be activated or there will be no sound.
Power handling
To prevent speaker damage, amplifier power - i.e. continous power per channel - should be
not less than the nominal power handling rating of the subwoofer-satellite-system. Higher
power such as 2 x 110 watts continuous power are also relatively noncritical if the following
rule of thumb is observed:
Never overdrive the amplifier!