Possible cause
A (slave)speaker
shows [WLS] in the
1. The slave speaker is operated without the
Sounddeck 100.
1. Turn on the Sounddeck 100.
2. The (slave-) speaker is not paired anymore.
2. Pair the (slave-) speaker with the Sounddeck 100 accor-
ding to chapter Wireless Pairing [WSP].
The subwoofer does
not reproduce sound.
1. The Smart subwoofer is not paired, till now.
1. Pair the Smart subwoofer with the Sounddeck 100 accor-
ding to chapter Wireless Pairing [WSP].
2 The subwoofer is connected to the Sounddeck
100 using a RCA cable, but Sub Out is set to Off
(not activated).
2. Activate the output Sub Out at the Sub Out menu [SUB].
No connection can be
established between
the network router
and the Sounddeck
1. The DHCP server is deactivated in the router.
1. Activate the DHCP server of the network router according
to the router's instructions.
2. A filter for MAC addresses was created in the
network router.
2. Deactivate the MAC Address Filter resp. add the adress of
the Sounddeck 100.
3. Your router is not compatible with Chromecast
3. Routers that are demonstrably compatible can be found
in the web link in the chapter “Using Chromecast built-in for
audio”. However, there are more compatible routers.
Your WiFi network is
not displayed during
1. The network connection for the Sounddeck
100 is set to Ethernet [ETH].
1. Change the setting to WiFi [WIF] in the menu Network
Select [NWC].
The Sounddeck 100
is not indicated in the
app on your (mobile)
1. Your (mobile) device and the Sounddeck 100
must be conncted to the same network.
1. Connect your (mobile) device resp. the Sounddeck 100 to
the corresponding network (e.g. when using a guest net-