Setup Instructions
Flex 10m x 10m
6. Pound in the stakes at a 45° angle, facing away
from the tent, to maximize grip. Side stakes
should be set at distance equal to 75% of the
height of the side pole. Corner stakes should be
set at a distance equal to the height of the pole.
Corners require 2 guy lines – stake them out in
line with each the edge of the tent – so they form
a 90° angle.
7. Attach the straps with the tensioning buckles to
the pegs but leave the guy ropes very loose.
8. If you’re using storm lines: lay them out over the
tent fabric. (It’s a lot harder throwing them over
a pitched tent.) A storm line runs from its peg, al-
ong a guy rope, through the side clamp, over the
tent, through a side clamp on the opposite side,
along a guy rope, to a peg.
9. Push up the Corner Poles and tension the guy
lines. The corner poles must remain standing to
add the rest of the poles.
10. Push up the side poles. Raise them symmetrically
– two at a time – starting from one end of the tent
and working toward the other end. Tighten the
guy lines softly.
11. Push up the center poles.
12. Tension the guy lines by pulling the loose end of
the guy lines through the tensioners. Work sym-
metrically – as you add tension to one guy line –
add tension to the corresponding guy line on the
opposite side of the tent. Firm and even tension is
the goal. Don’t overdo it!