User Manual: xr100+_eng
Cardioline S.p.A.
Via Linz,151
38121 Trento (TN)
Sales office:
Via F.lli Bronzetti, 8 20129 Milano (MI) Italy tel.+39 02 94750470
fax +39 02 94750471
7.2.4 Settings with Control Terminal P
Some of the device settings are configurable to meet spe-
cific requirements. The settings will be saved and remain
stored even when the ergometer is switched off.
Use the softkeys on the right and left (
) to position the
bar cursor on
and confirm the selection with
The configuration menu displays.
When all changes have been made, you can exit the confi-
guration menu with the
Figure 7 – 16: Main Menu
Use the softkeys on the right and left (
) to position the
bar cursor on the parameter to change and confirm the
selection with
Figure 7 – 17: Settings Menu
Default Mode
In this menu you choose the default mode activated when
the ergometer is turned on. When first turned on after
delivery, the ergometer will display this menu.
Use the softkeys on the right and left (
) to position the
bar cursor on your preferred default mode and save the
selection with
Figure 7 – 18: Selecting the default mode
Protocols 6 to 15 are user-programmable (protocols 1
to 5 are fixed, see chapter 9.3 “Exercise Test Protocols” on
page 35 for protocol parameter details). Default values
can be entered for the following parameters:
— protocol type (Step/Ramp)
— basic load
— stage time
— load stage (load increase with each stage)
Use the softkeys on the right and left (
↑ ↓
) to position the
bar cursor on the protocol to change (No. 6 to 15) and
confirm the selection with
Figure 7 – 19: Selecting the exercise test protocol to configure