UI SmartSeat iss01, 03/2013
Re-fit the arm by reversing the above
Frequent Arm Removal:
If the arm is going to be removed frequently,
as would be expected if regular side transfers
are being made, the locking device can be
disabled. To do this you will need a pair of long-
nosed pliers. This should not be done to chairs
in multi-user environments or where people
with challenging behaviour may unintentionally
remove the arm.
Remove the arm as described above. With
the arm off the chair, depress the small round
button of the locking device into the front arm
mounting peg. Take a pair of long-nosed pliers
and whilst holding the small button down, push
the pliers up into the bottom end of the tube.
This will push the small button past its locating
hole and prevent it popping out and disabling
the locking device.
To reinstate the locking device, use long-
nosed pliers to carefully grip the end of the
small button and pull and twist it around so that
it pops back through its locating hole.
Lift the arm off the base sides
If arms are beiong frequently removed, the
button in the mounting peg needs to be
depressed and then pushed up into the tube