UI SmartSeat iss01, 03/2013
The Adjustable Laterals have 5cm of width
adjustment in 1cm increments. The width
position is controlled by a pull-out indexer.
Adjusting the Width:
To adjust the position of the laterals, pull out
the indexer and, whilst holding the lateral pad,
slide the lateral to the desired position.
Once at the desired width, release the
indexer and ensure it has registered in the
nearest appropriate increment.
Retro-fitting Adjustable Laterals
The support assembly of the adjustable
laterals are positioned on the chair between
the wings and the back frame. To retro-fit the
adjustable laterals you will need a 5mm allan
key. A ball-end allan key makes the job easier.
Begin by unclipping the sides of the chair
back valance. There are plastic ‘J’ strips sewn
to the edges of the valance. These clip over
thin bars which make up part of the structure
of the chair back. Starting at the lower sides,
unclip the valance until it can be folded over
the top of the chair back.
The fastening which hold the wings in place
on the chair back need to be partially undone.
There are two lower fastenings behind the
back cushions and two higher fastenings
hidden by the cushion of the top back section.
Compress the sides of the top back cushion
to reveal the two top fastenings. Use a 5mm
allen key to partially undo these fastenings.
Five complete turns of each fastening will
be sufficient for fitting the adjustable lateral
Pull out the indexer to adjust lateral width.
Remove the vallance and undo the two lower
wing mounts with a 5mm ball end allan key.
Use a 5mm ball end allen key to loosen the
second from top wing mount