UI SmartSeat iss01, 03/2013
body weight will be concentrated in too small
an area.
Seat depth should be set with the client’s
bottom positioned firmly at the back of the
seat cushion so that their lower back and
lumbar is supported by the back cushion.
There needs to be a two or three finger gap
between the client’s calf and the front of the
seat cushion for comfort.
If the client already has a chair or wheelchair
with the correct seat depth, measure this size
and use it to set up the SmartSeat chair.
Adjusting Seat Depth:
Seat depth is adjusted by moving the back
of the chair over the seat unit. The front edge
of the seat will stay in the same place. The seat
depth mechanism is controlled by a release
lever on the rear left hand underside of
the seat.
To adjust seat depth, locate the two rails
at the bottom of the back valance. Squeeze
the thinner rail up against the thicker rail to
release the mechanism controlling seat depth.
Keeping the two rails squeezed together, push
or pull the back of the chair to the desired
position. Once at the correct position, release
the lower, thinner rail. The back may jump back
slightly as the locking mechanism engages.
Squeeze the thin rail against the thicker rail to
release the seat depth mechanism.