Install the two servos using the hardware sup-
plied with the radio. The output shafts should
be to the front of the plane.
Bend a 90 degree angle 1/4” long in the end
of one of the 1/32” x 24” pushrods.
Insert the wire in the pre-installed tube in the
fuselage. You may have to remove the cover-
ing over the hole.
Turn the plane over and bend and install the
rudder pushrod.
Use the nylon swing in keepers to retain the
pushrod on the control horns.
Put the pushrod in the hole in the pushrod con-
nector and install arm on servo. Center the
servos with the radio and make sure the rud-
der and elevator are centered. Tighten the
screw firmly. Cut the excess pushrod off leav-
ing about 1/2” past the connector. Don’t forget
to put the screw in the servo arm.
Install the two pushrod connectors on the con-
trol arms of the rudder and elevator servo as
you did for the ailerons.