Eos –Gate Installation and operation manual
All the information provided with this document are property of Carlo Gavazzi Controls SpA
2 Overview
This manual is about the Eos-Gate product. The Eos-Gate is a device to be installed in
photovoltaic plants with 3 main features:
1. Polling data from a set of field devices (Eos-Array/Eos-Array Lite, AC meters) with a planned
time interval
2. Storing data into memory for safety reason
3. Pushing data to the Fat Spaniel® Portal, allowing to monitor the photovoltaic installation
The following diagram illustrates a typical architecture in which the Eos-Gate is used:
Measured variables and alarms are polled from the field devices, according to the desired time
interval (suggested default 30 seconds). Data are stored into the SD memory, until they are
correctly transmitted to the monitoring portal, for data safety reasons. With an opportune time
interval (suggested default 10 minutes) data are then sent to the portal and the SD memory is
freed. When data have been taken in charge by the web portal, the remote monitoring is possible
using the Fat Spaniel® Solar Plant Vision
(1) It is necessary to be Fat Spaniel®’s customers for using the above monitoring platform. The Eos-Gate provides connectivity for
the field devices, but the usage of Fat Spaniel® platform and resourced is regulated by an agreement between the user and
Fat Spaniel®