Weekender SW
Weekender HD
Solar Elite
Solar Extreme
Diagram 1
Negative MC4 Junction
Box Connection - Female
MC4 Power Cabels For RV Kits
The MC4 power cable is usually the final connection
between the solar array and the solar controller. If it has
not already been done, cut the MC power cable into two
pieces so that there is a positive conductor cable and
negative conductor cable.
1. Cover the solar module(s) with an opaque material.
Attach the appropriate MC4 power cable conductor to the
positive and negative connectors of the MC4 junction box.
If you have more than one module, refer to the specific
diagram for wiring a parallel MC4 connection.
2. Run the positive and negative MC4 cable conductors
from the solar array to the solar controller. Attach a positive
polarity label to the end of the positive conductor. If the
positive conductor needs to be shortened and the polarity
label is removed, remember to re-label it as both positive
and negative conductors look exactly the same. Leave a
few feet of cable at the solar controller in case of future
Note: solar module junction box and MC4 cables many not
be exactly as shown.
Positive Polarity Label
Positive MC4
Junction Box
Connection - Male
Negative MC4
Cable Conductor
Positive MC4
Cable Conductor
Cut 50’ wire in
half to make
two 25’ cables