3211A — OperAting MAnuAl And pArts list 1
Owner/user respOnsibility
The owner and/or user must have a thorough understanding of
the man u fac tur er’s operating in struc tions and warn ings be fore
using these jack stands. Personnel involved in the use and op er
a tion of equip ment shall be careful, com pe tent, trained, and
qual i fied in the safe operation of the equip ment and its proper
use when servicing motor vehicles and their com
Warning in for ma tion should be em pha sized and un der stood.
If the operator is not fluent in English, the man
tions and warn
ings shall be read to and dis
with the op er a tor in the op er a tor’s native language by the
pur chas er/own er or his designee, mak ing sure that the op er a tor
com pre hends its con tents.
Owner and/or user must study and maintain for future
ref er ence the manufacturer’s instructions. Owner and/or user is
responsible for keeping all warning labels and instruction
manuals legible and intact. Replacement labels and literature
are available from the manufacturer.
Visual inspection should be made before each use of the jack
stands. Any stands which appear to be damaged in any way,
found to be worn, or operate abnormally Must be reMOved
frOM service. If the stands are subjected to an abnormal load
or shock, they must be inspected by a manufacturer’s autho
rized repair facility immediately. It is recommended that an
annual inspection of the stands be made by a manufacturer’s
authorized repair facility and missing decal or warning labels be
replaced with manufacturer’s specified parts.
A list of authorized repair facilities is available from the
This is the safety alert symbol used for the
manual to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all instructions to avoid possible
injury or death.
1. Always store the jacks stands in a well protected area
where they will not be exposed to inclement weather,
corrosive vapors, abrasive dust, or any other harmful ele
ments. The stands must be cleaned of water, snow, sand or
grit before using.
2. Every jack stand owner is responsible for keeping the
stand labels clean and readable. Use a mild soap solution
to wash external surfaces of the stand. Contact Carquest
for a replacement label if your stand's label is not read
3. Inspect the stands before each use. Do not use the stands
if any component is cracked, broken or bent. Do not use
the stand if it has loose or missing hardware or compo
nents, or is modified in any way. Take corrective action
before using the stand again. Premature wearing or dam
age to components caused by loose or missing hardware
is not eligible for warranty consideration.
1. Install the support column in the stand where the locking
holes in the column are facing the locking pin attachment
2. Most pin type jack stands are designed with a support col
umn that can always be removed from the stand; therefore
do not attempt to move or lift the stand by pulling up on
the column or its saddle.
3. Some stands are equipped with a storage holder for the
locking pin. Locking pins connected to the stand by way of
a tether or lanyard should not be stored in the stand's sup
port column receiver hole.
Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ton
Low Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281/8"
High Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461/2"
Saddle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31/8" 51/8"
Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153/4" x 153/4"
Shipping Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Lbs.
OperAting instructiOns
This is the safety alert symbol used for the
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual
to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all instructions to avoid possible injury or death.
Make sure the work floor is clean and free of debris and
2. Chock the vehicle's tires that will not be lifted. Make sure
the emergency brake is on and the vehicle's transmission
is either in the park mode or gear if a manual transmis
3. Raise the vehicle to a safe working height and make sure
the jack and vehicle setup are stable before positioning
the jack stands.
4. Position the jack stands right below the areas of the ve
hicle to be supported.
5. Lift the support columns as close to the vehicle as possi
ble without the saddles on the columns coming in contact
with the vehicle. Make sure the stands' locking pin is fully
engaging the stand on both sides. Never use the stand's
lower support plate as a load bearing surface for the lock
ing pin.
6. Slowly and carefully lower the vehicle on the jack stands.
Shock loads or loads dropped abruptly on stands can
cause premature metal fatigue or even stand failure
depending on the weight of the vehicle and the speed of
descent that impacts the stands' support columns.
When work is completed, raise the vehicle high enough
off the stands where the stands can be easily removed.
10 ton capacity Jack stands (pair)
This operaTing manual conTains imporTanT safeTy informaTion.
read carefully and undersTand all informaTion before
operaTing deVice. saVe This manual for fuTure use.