Road/Standby Functional Settings
The procedure for adjusting the functional parameters
is as follows:
1. The temperature display is selectable between
Fahrenheit and Celsius. Units are configured for
Celsius from the factory. To set the display to
Fahrenheit, move the Celsius end of the jumper
to the Fahrenheit pin as shown in
Figure 3.4 Temperature Selection Jumper
The board contains another set of pins simi-
lar to the Degrees C/Degrees F selection
jumper, marked as J1. This jumper is not
used for unit operation, but it is used during
the microprocessor controller manufacturing
2. Press the OFF key to shut down the unit.
The following steps must be performed with
the unit OFF.
3. Press and hold both the Defrost key and ON key
simultaneously in order to display parameters.
If no buttons are depressed within 5 seconds
of pressing the ON key or modifying parame-
ters, the Cab Command reverts to refriger-
ated compartment temperature display and
the configuration procedure is aborted.
4. Press the + or - keys to modify parameters.
a. The defrost interval parameter is displayed.
This setting determines the time between
defrosts in hours. The defrost interval can be
selected by scrolling through available
options. Settings are for either automatic
defrost (AUT) or fixed time intervals between
1 to 6 hours. The setting can be selected by
pressing the (+) or (-) keys. Selection MUST
be validated by pressing the SET key.
5. Press the SET key to validate modified settings.
6. Press the ON key to start-up the unit.
The following steps must be performed with
the unit ON.
7. Press the + key, then - key, then Defrost keys.
All keys should be held momentarily after press-
ing in the correct sequence.
If no buttons are depressed within five sec-
onds of pressing the ON key or modifying
parameters, the Cab Command reverts to
refrigerated compartment temperature dis-
play and the configuration procedure is
8. Press the + or - keys to modify parameters.
a. The minimum set point parameter is dis-
played. The minimum set point can be
selected by scrolling through available
options [- 20°F (- 28.9°C), - 4°F (- 20°C),
32°F (0°C)] using the (+) or (-) keys. Factory
setting is - 20°F. Selection MUST be vali-
dated by pressing the SET key.
a. The null mode differential temperature is dis-
played next. This setting determines the
temperature difference between refrigerated
compartment temperature and set point that
controls compressor cycling. The differential
can be selected by scrolling through avail-
able options [1.8°F (1°C), 3.6°F (2°C), or
5.4°F (3°C)] using the (+) or (--) keys. Fac-
tory setting is 3.6°F (2°C). Selection MUST
be validated by pressing the SET key.
a. The ON/OFF (Continuous airflow) parameter
for the evaporator fan is displayed next. This
feature determines whether the evaporator
fan is on or off when the unit cycles off upon
reaching set point. The factory setting is
OFF. Change setting by using the (+) or (--)
keys. Selection MUST be validated by
pressing the SET key.
a. The 2ET or 3ET parameter is now displayed.
This feature determines heating mode oper-
ation based on the presence of a condenser
pressure control valve. Since all 30S units
covered by this manual have a condenser
pressure control valve installed, 3ETmust be
selected. This enables cooling, null, and
heating modes of operation. Selection
MUST be validated by pressing th eSET key.
Change setting by using the(+) or (-) keys.
Selection MUST be validated by pressing
the SET key.Press the SET key to validate
modified settings.
Beware of unannounced starting of the
unit. The unit may cycle the fans and
operating compressor unexpectedly as
control requirements dictate. Press the
OFF key on the Cab Command and dis-
connect power plug.