Prior to starting a pre-trip test, very the following:
• Unit voltage (Cd07) is within tolerance
• Unit amperage draw (Cd04, Cd05, Cd06) are within expected limits
• All alarms are cleared and rectified.
Starting a Pre-Trip
1. Press the PRE-TRIP key to access the pre-trip test selection menu. “SELCt PrtrP” will be displayed.
2. To Run an Automatic Test: Scroll through the selections by pressing the Up or Down Arrow keys to display
AUTO, AUTO 1, AUTO 2 or AUTO 3 as desired, then press the ENTER key.
• The unit will execute the series of tests without any need for direct user interface. These tests vary in
length, depending on the component under test.
• While tests are running, “P#-#” will appear on the left display; the #’s indicate the test number and sub-
test. The right display will show a countdown time in minutes and seconds, indicating the amount of time
remaining in the test.
When a Pre-trip Auto 1 test runs to completion without a failure, the unit will exit Pre-trip mode
and return to normal control operation. However, dehumidification and bulb mode must be
reactivated manually if required.
When a Pre-trip Auto 2 test runs to completion without being interrupted, the unit will terminate
Pre-trip and display “Auto 2” “end.” The unit will suspend operation until the user depresses
the ENTER key!
3. When an automatic test fails, it will be repeated once. A repeated test failure will cause “FAIL” to be shown
on the right display, with the corresponding test number to the left. The user may then press the Down Arrow
key to repeat the test, the Up Arrow key to skip to the next test, or the PRE-TRIP key to terminate testing.
The unit will wait indefinitely or until the user manually enters a command.
When a failure occurs during automatic testing, the unit will suspend operation awaiting oper
ator intervention.
4. To Run an Individual Test: Scroll through the selections by pressing the Up or Down Arrow keys to display
an individual test code. Press the ENTER key when the desired test code is displayed.
• Individually selected tests, other than the LED / Display test, will perform the operations necessary to ver
ify the operation of the component. At the conclusion, “PASS” or “FAIL” will be displayed. This message
will remain displayed for up to three minutes, during which time a user may select another test. If the
three minute time period expires, the unit will terminate Pre-trip and return to control mode operation.
• While the tests are being executed, the user may terminate the Pre-trip diagnostics by pressing and hold
ing the PRE-TRIP key. The unit will then resume normal operation. If the user decides to terminate a test
but remain at the test selection menu, the user may press the Up Arrow key. When this is done, all test
outputs will be de-energized and the test selection menu will be displayed.
• Throughout the duration of any Pre-trip test (except the P-7 high pressure switch tests), the current limit
ing and pressure limiting processes are both active. The current limiting process only is active for P-7.