If you are unsure, consult your heating and cooling system equipment
installation instructions or contact Carrier customer support.
Option 11 - Minimum Deadband Between Heating And Cooling
Default: 02
Options: 01 through 06
Description: Sets the minimum allowable number of degrees between heating
and cooling setpoints. One setpoint will “push” the other to maintain this
Option 12 - Smart Recovery
Default: 90
Options: OF, 30, 60, 90
Description: The Smart Recovery feature transitions your home from one
temperature period
(P1, P2, P3, P4) to the next so that your home’s temperature matches the
temperature setting at the start of each time period. This means, for example,
that if your sleep period temperature setting is lower than the period that
precedes it, the thermostat will start cooling down the home before the
beginning of the scheduled sleep period. It does this at an energy-efficient
rate. This not only helps make your home as comfortable as possible, it also
makes your thermostat more cost effective.
Smart Recovery OF means setpoints change immediately at a program
schedule change. Thirty, 60, or 90 selects the number of minutes recovery
starts before programmed recovery time. Recovery takes place smoothly
during the selected recovery time, ending at the recovery time and
temperature which is programmed. If the setpoint is changed during smart
recovery, the smart recovery is cancelled and the new setpoint is effective