Option 13 - Room Air Temperature Offset
Default: 0°F
Options: - 5°F to 5°F
Description: The number of degrees to be added to the displayed temperature
to calibrate the measured room temperature. The selected number is the
number of degrees, plus or minus, which will be added to actual temperature.
This option is in °F even if Option 03 is set for °C.
Option 15 - Auto Changeover
Default: Off (ON)
Options: On (ON), Off (OF)
Description: This feature allows the thermostat to automatically change
between heating and cooling mode as demand requires. If disabled (OF), the
thermostat maintains either heating or cooling mode only. Auto changeover is
not available when H or C is selected under Option 01.
Option 16 - Maximum Cycles Per Hour
Default: 4
Options: 2, 4, or 6
Description: The maximum cycle rate is limited by internal timers to the
selected number of cycles per hour. Selection of a higher number causes
faster cycling resulting in more constant room temperature.
Option 17 - Minimum Time Between Equipment Stages
Default: 15
Options: 10, 15, 20, 25
Description: When there is an auxiliary stage of heat available, this is the
amount of time the heat pump must operate before the auxiliary stage can
turn on. With heat pumps, longer times can reduce the amount of auxiliary
heat used.