CARSON Reflex Stick Ultimate Touch 500501002
This function contains two options: option one is idle setup and option
two is throttle hold Two options would be set when you adjust models.
The idle is useful for the models with engines and make models keep low
rpm without shutting down. And the throttle hold is to completely lock
model’s throttle without shutting down.
Throttle down function is to enable idle down rate adjustment and
throttle cut function turned on or off. Modify the rate from 0% to 50%
after idle function is applied. This function can be set in five conditions.
Idle down: the throttle output minus the rate set in advance after this
function is applied.
Throttle cut: the throttle output will be in its lowest point after this
function is applied.
Throttle cut function is prior to idle down function. There is no output
while moving throttle stick if throttle cut function is applied. Idle down
function and throttle cut function are turned off by default. The default
value of idle down is 10%.
These two functions can be assigned to 2 switches (SwA~SwH. LSw). lf
the airplane does not have an engine, this icon will not be displayed.
Select two switches to enable or disable idle down and throttle cut
function and move the wheel to modify the corresponding value after
activating this function.
As shown in the picture 21.12: The idle down function and throttle cut are
applied, and adjust the idle down to 20%. There is no output of throttle
The model function allows users to set additional
auxilary channels if the model has more than the de-
fault 4 channels. Some aircraft have more than four
auxilary channels, so these additional channels can
be modified using this function.
Assign the auxiliary channel a switch, a knob, a logic
switch or a stick after finishing the airplane structure
setting. The default structure is 4-channel fix wing,
so auxiliary channels are from Ch5 to Ch10.
Touch the auxiliary channel needed and select a
switch, a knob, a logic switch or a stick to control this
For this example: Select CH5 as auxiliary channel
and push SwD upward to enable this function. At
this time, the channel in Servo display is displayed as
shown in picture 21.14
Pic. 21.12
Push swd downward
Pic. 21.14
Pic. 21.13
1.21 Throttle down
1.22 Auxillary Channels