30 CARSON X4 Quadcopter 360 FPV WIFI 500507101
The cyclic pitch joystick causes your quadcopter to fly forwards/backwards.
The cyclic roll joystick causes your quadcopter to fly to the left/right.
The controls will appear to be reversed when the model is flying towards you! For example, the cyclic roll joystick causes your quadcopter to
fly to the right/left (instead of left/right).
Trimming the control channels
The control channels can be adjusted with the trim buttons if the model tends to drift in any particular direction. For each direction of flight,
there is a corresponding trim button.
If, with the controls in a neutral position, the
X4 drifts forwards or backwards, this can be
trimmed out with the fore/aft trim button.
Rotate left/right
If, with the controls in a neutral position, the
X4 drifts to the left or the right, this can be
trimmed out with the left/right trim button.
If, with the controls in a neutral position, the
X4 tends to rotate to the left or the right,
this can be trimmed out with the left/right
rotate trim button.