Reference Manual V1.10
Software Versions 3.xx
Page 42
000049 06/05/2003 15:20
90.6 kg G
0.0 kg.N
0.0 kg T
000050 06/05/2003 15:21
154.9 kg G
0.0 kg.N
0.0 kg T
000051 06/05/2003 15:21
50.4 kg G
0.0 kg.N
0.0 kg T
000052 06/05/2003 15:21
71.0 kg G
0.0 kg.N
0.0 kg T
000053 06/05/2003 15:21
13.3 kg G
0.0 kg.N
0.0 kg T
TOTAL: 380.2 kg
10.3. Printing Total Weight and Number of Pieces
Example print format when Counting is active and long press of <PRINT> key to print total number of
items, weight and quantity. Note totals will be cleared and sequence number is not cleared.
000054 06/05/2003 15:22
13.3 kg G
27 p
000055 06/05/2003 15:23
79.3 kg G
159 p
000056 06/05/2003 15:23
117.0 kg G
234 p
TOTAL: 209.6 kg
QTY: 420 p