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Customer Support (Toll Free): 1 - 877 - CASHMAS

1.   Place the Cashmaster on a firm even surface, ensure the tray is empty, press           key.

2.   Place empty scoop on scale. 

If prompted to do so.

3.   You are now in count mode.

Ensure that the display indicates Rolled Coins counting mode.

Press the coins/bill             key to select Rolled Coins counting mode.

1.   Place a roll of coins on the tray.  

2a.  If the roll is “full” the Cashmaster will display the value. 

Go to step 3

2b.  If there is “crossover” or the roll is not “full

. You must then select the denomination of coin      

       using the                     . Press the              key to confirm. 

Go to step 3.

3a. If auto-add is on and the roll is “full” the cashmaster will automatically add to total. 
3b. If auto-add is on, and the roll is not full, press             key to accept and add total.
3c. If auto-add is off, press the             key to accept the value and add the grand total.

Advance to the next denomination.


Ensure that the display indicates bill counting mode.

Press either                      key to select note counting mode and required the denomination.

1.   Place bills of the selected denomination on the tray (up to 30 at one time). Repeat until all  

      bills in denomination are on the tray.

2a. If auto-add is on, remove bills from the tray.

2b. If auto-add is off, press              key to add to total, remove the bills and advance to the next 


Advance to the next denomination


Ensure that the display indicates coin counting mode.

Press either                      key to select note counting mode and required the denomination.

1.   Place all coins of your selected denomination in the scoop and onto the tray.

2a. If auto-add is on, remove the scoop from the tray, 

and advance to the next  denomination.

2b. If auto-add is off, press the             key to add to total, remove the scoop 

and advance to the 

      next denomination.

Loose Bills

Loose Coins

Rolled Coins

Press to 





Getting Started

